
CloudSeam consists of two deployable functions. Each function is configured independently, currently only through the use of environment variables.

State Machine

The state machine supports several areas of configuration. Currently, all configuration is made using only environment variables.

Required Attributes

Each of the following attributes are required in order to run the application in production.

  • MACHINE_LOCATOR - the strategy to locate and load machine specifications. See Machine Location below for more info
  • SQS_TASK_QUEUE_URL - the SQS queue URL to be used for sending task events

Database Attributes

One of the following is required to be specified in order to persist state data.

Optional Attributes

Most of the attributes listed below are available, but typically used only during local development.

  • LOCAL_MODE - configures the AWS client to send messages to ElasticMQ (http://sqs:9324) and use a local PostgreSQL database (bypassing POSTGRES_CONNECTION_SECRET)
  • SQS_EVENT_QUEUE_URL - the SQS queue URL the state machine will be receiving events from. This is used during local development to poll and simulate Lambda function execution.

Machine Location

Supported values for MACHINE_LOCATOR are S3 and LOCAL_FS.

S3 Locator

Using the locator of S3, the following env variables are also required:

  • MACHINE_S3_BUCKET - the name of the S3 bucket that contains the machine specifications
  • MACHINE_S3_KEY - the name of the S3 key/prefix for machine specifications. If the specified key is a directory, all containing objects are checked out.

Local FS Locator


The LOCAL_FS locator is mostly intended for local development/testing, rather than usage in production. This allows you to continue to use upstream releases without needing to bundle your own functions.

When using the local FS locator, the following env variables are also required:

  • MACHINE_SPEC_DIR - an absolute path to the folder container spec files

Database Configuration

Currently, state machine data persistence is supported in PostgreSQL and DynamoDB.

Persisting using DynamoDB

In order to use DynamoDB for persistence, the table is required to exist (the machine will not create the table). The following command will create the table. It is recommended to use "pay per use", as the needs will not be predictable and the low usage will keep costs low as is. The table must have a key attribute named id.

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name Stacks \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
    --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST

Since the table is created outside of the app, the IAM role for the Lambda function needs only put and delete item support. The following policy will grant minimal access to the table.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PutUpdateDeleteOnStacks",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "your-dynamodb-table-arn"

Persisting using PostgreSQL

To configure database connection details (host, username, password, and db), the state manager relies on AWS Secrets Manager. The name of the secret is made available through the POSTGRES_CONNECTION_SECRET environment variable. The secret must have the following structure:

    "username": "database-username",
    "password": "secret-password",
    "host": "",
    "dbname": "database-name",
    "port": 5432


The format above is the default format when creating a database secret using the Secrets Manager console.


Task Satisfier

The state machine supports several areas of configuration. Currently, all configuration is made using only environment variables.

Required Attributes

Each of the following attributes are required in order to run the application in production.

  • SQS_EVENT_QUEUE_URL - the SQS queue URL to be used for sending task completion notices. Task completion errors will also be sent to the queue.

Optional Attributes

Most of the attributes listed below are available, but typically used only during local development.

  • LOCAL_MODE - configures the AWS client to send messages to ElasticMQ (http://sqs:9324) and use a local PostgreSQL database (bypassing POSTGRES_CONNECTION_SECRET)
  • SQS_TASK_QUEUE_URL - the SQS queue URL the task satisfier will be receiving events from. This is used during local development to poll and simulate Lambda function execution.